Sunday, October 26, 2008

From London: "The Ghost Bus of Ladbroke Grove," by MJ Wayland

This story was originally posted as “The Ladbroke Ghost Bus of London by Martin Jeffrey at this address: That link no longer exists. A Google search resulted in the identical story posted in 2013, but with a different author. 

In the middle of the 1930s a large red London Bus, bearing a “7” route number harassed motorists in the North Kensington area of London. (Read more here.)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

From the Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs: "U.S. Transportation Secretary Announces Latest Driving Data, New Funding to Improve Intercity Passenger Rail"

As Americans continue a historic cut back on driving and turn to other forms of transportation like rail and transit, a new approach to funding intercity passenger rail projects will lead to improved service and better on-time performance across the country, announced U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters today. (Read more here.)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

From Chicago: "CTA test drives digital ad screen on side of bus," by Jon Hilkevitch

The message almost spilling off a 50-inch digital screen on the side of a CTA bus demonstrated how far transit advertising has come since the era of hand-painted ad benches at bus stops.

An Oreo cookie took the plunge into a large glass of milk. (Read more here.)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

From Honolulu: "Bus Driver Suspended For Playing Games While Driving." (KITV News)

Less than a day after KITV broke the story of a city bus driver playing a video game while driving a bus, the driver is on unpaid leave and being investigated Wednesday. (Read more here.)

This story was originally published by KITV News at this address: This link no longer works. The story above was discovered via Google posted on the website